Two Components Of Access Control Systems That Need Backup Power

One of the most common vulnerabilities of access control systems is the power supply. Unfortunately, many business owners overlook the importance of battery backup systems when they install access control, leaving the building vulnerable during periods of power outages. With power grid instability and unpredictability becoming more common, backup power sources are essential for access control.

Here's a look at some of the things that you should discuss with your electrician. 

Why Do Door Locks Need Backup Power?

Modern access control systems depend on failsafe electric lock systems and digital authentication services. When the power goes out, there's nothing supplying power to those electric locks. When the locks fail, they leave the doors accessible to anyone because the locks fail. With a battery backup system for the lock system, you'll maintain building security even in the event of a power failure.

Sometimes, the situation is even more critical. With a fail-secure structure, the locks are only disengaged with the right validation from the access control system. If your building loses power, those locks remain engaged until power is restored to the access control system. While this protects against intrusions, it also means that anyone in the building is unable to exit. Emergency battery backups are essential for these lock systems to allow your staff and customers to safely and freely exit the building.

How Do Access Control Systems Validate Access?

The way that access control systems validate access also leaves your system vulnerable in the event of a power failure. Not only do you need a battery backup for your door lock system, but you also need to install one on your local server for the access control database. Remember that those door locks scan the identification card or fingerprint and then check it against the access control database to determine if entry is authorized. When a power failure takes the database down, even functional locks won't help your access control situation.

Install a battery backup system that ensures sustainable power for your access control servers for as long as possible in the event of a power failure. That way, you can be confident that your building is secure and that you have access when needed, even if the power goes out.

Don't trust that you will have access to your building at all times just because your access control system works. Remember that its biggest vulnerability is the dependable supply of power. If the power grid in your area fails for any reason, you will be thankful if you have your electrician install a backup power source.

Reach out to an electrician to learn more about access control solutions.
